
本质上, making a document accessible means that any information conveyed by visual formatting (headings, 字体的变化, 表, 等.), 以及其他视觉元素,比如图像, need to be tagged - have computer code embedded that is attached to that element - so that a screen reader or similar technology will verbally convey the same information. It also means formatting your document with appropriate text sizes, 打印/背景对比, 以及不依赖于颜色的信息线索(参见 康复部的PDF 有关具体建议).


However, for MS Word 和 PDF documents to be compatible with screen readers (see 示例1示例2 of screen readers in action) as well as other assistive technologies, 需要遵循某些步骤. 这 page provides some fundamentals for making your MS Word 和 PDF documents accessible. 这一页只是一个起点. SEE THE RESOURCES AT THE END OF THE PAGE for more complete guidance on making your documents FULLY accessible, 根据您的需要.


全面的,非常详细的 关于创建可访问文档的微软支持文章 是可用的. 这份工作表浓缩了来自这个和其他来源的材料.


*小贴士:为了简化你的生活, set up a document for accessibility 和 then use it as a template for other similar documents. 例如, 为你的一门课制定教学大纲, 和 then save different versions of it named for each of your other classes. Then you can modify the content of a particular document as needed for that particular class.


*提示:对于Microsoft Office 2010或更新版本 辅助功能检查器功能 是可用的.

可访问MSWord文档的清单(从 关于创建可访问文档的微软支持文章):

  • 向图像和对象添加可选文本
  • 指定表中的列标头行
  • 在长文档中使用样式
  • 在标题中使用简短的标题
  • 确保所有标题样式的顺序正确
  • 使用有意义的超链接文本
  • 使用简单的表格结构
  • 避免使用空白单元格进行格式设置
  • 结构布局表以方便导航
  • 避免使用重复的空白字符
  • 避免使用漂浮物
  • 避免图像水印

对大多数教职员工来说, 需要注意的三个最常见的项目是样式/标题, 替代文本(“替代文本”), 和表. 请参阅上面的完整微软文章链接, 或者下面列出的资源, 寻求列表中其他领域的帮助.


在开始更改之前,保存一份干净的副本 of your document so you have something to start over with if you need to.


1. 风格/标题: The primary change for most MS Word users is to become familiar with using the Styles area of the toolbar. 样式在主菜单上, on the right side of the bar for MS Word users with recent versions of the software. 

Microsoft Office风格文章
Shauna Kelly的时尚小贴士 -在旧版本的MSWord风格的提示,以及
Remember that you can also enter Styles in the MSWord help menu to get assistance. Try exploring the Styles menus 和 options to try out a range of st和ard 和 customized choices. Notice how a change to a single heading will automatically update the rest of the same level headings throughout your document.

*提示: 当使用完成的文档作为模板时, 不要剪切和粘贴其他文档的内容 because you may lose the Styles tags 和 formatting that you worked so hard to put in there. 相反,键入内容 从旧文档手动转换到样式更新的文档.

2. 替代文本: right click on the image or object > click on Format > click on Alt Text > enter a title AND a more detailed description. Your description especially needs to convey the critical points that you want visually-impaired readers, 或者使用纯文本网络连接的用户, 从你的图像/对象中提取.

3. :使表格在Word中可访问, 保持它们简单(不要合并或嵌套单元格), use just one header row 和/or one header column) 和 identify which row/column contains the headers. 在Word中这样做, select that row/column (Table > Select > Row), 然后右键单击该行,选择“Table Properties”. 这将弹出表属性对话框. 在这个对话框中, 单击行选项卡, 和 check the checkbox that says "Repeat as header row at the top of each page".


为什么要这么麻烦呢?? 虽然这 video shows issues with website 表 (in html code) rather than MSWord documents, 同样的问题也存在.


The simplest way for most of us to create accessible PDFs is to first create the document in MSWord using best practices in accessibility (see above). 然后,对于Word 2010和2013 (Windows)的用户:

  • Go to File > "Save As...,并从提供的选项中选择PDF. By default this produces a PDF that preserves the document's accessibility features.
  • When saving, select Options 和 be sure that "Document structure tags for accessibility" is checked. 这 is checked by default, but could become unchecked under certain circumstances.
  • 如果你选择“最小化大小”来减小PDF的大小, 一定要重复前面的步骤, as this option might uncheck the "Document structure tags for accessibility" checkbox.

If you have an older version of MSWord, or you use Word for Mac, your process will be different. 下面的资源之一可能会为您提供指导.


如果你的文件是纸质的 (you have a print-out or photocopy ONLY), then contact Technology Mediated Instruction (三里岛事故)要求他们为你扫描一份可访问的PDF文件. Do not scan it for yourself unless you 和 your scanner know how to create a text-based PDF rather than an image-based PDF (see the section below on "Converting existing PDF documents" for further explanation).


为什么要这么麻烦呢??video 有屏幕阅读器如何与未标记交互的示例吗, 糟糕的标记, 并正确标记pdf文件. It's 30 minutes long, but you can get some idea from just sampling it.


如果你已经有你正在使用的pdf文件, you need to do a simple test to see if your PDFs are at least minimally readable by a screen reader. Open your PDF 和 use the select tool to select a portion of the document. If the select tool starts in front of a letter 和 then selects word by word or line by line as you scroll it, your PDF is in a text-based PDF format (you still may need technical assistance to add embedded tags to signal formatting such as headings 和 hyperlinks). If the selection tool appears to select an area of the document without any reference to the text formatting, your PDF is probably an image-based PDF 和 is not readable by a screen reader. 联系 三里岛事故 以帮助创建可访问的基于文本的pdf.


看到 检查表 网页的pdf文件在“网站”标题下, 或者Blackboard社区的无障碍区域, for college policies 和 requirements for accessible documents 和 materials.


康复部很简单, easy-to-follow guide to creating accessible documents that includes considerations like font size, 适当使用颜色和对比, 和 other considerations not addressed in my brief overview above.


Great resource with overview of accessibility concerns for documents as well as links specific to different document formats 和 document-creation software (MSWord, Adobe InDesign, adobeacrobatpro).


创建可访问内容的优秀链接集, 包括各种格式的文档, hosted 和 regularly updated by the National Center on Disability 和 Access to Education.


提供的资料仅供参考. 如需法律建议,请咨询法律专业人士.